Decoys & other Folkart carved by K. F. Bloomquist

This is an archive of my decoys and other wood carvings from 2018-20??.

 Some I've given away with out taking pictures, so this list is incomplete.

On the off chance you come across one of my decoys they tend have "K. F. Bloomquist" or "KFB" with an area code, the year  & "NY" carved under the tail or the base bottom. 

Most of my shore birds are carved out of reclaimed pine boards. I do this in the spirit of the old timers; who would use what ever material they had available to them. Many of my early birds have old school furniture tac eyes in the same vein. Starting late 2020- early 2021 I moved to Glass eyed, or painted with a tac pupil. 

Quite a few of my decoys have found their way down the east coast, though I have sent a handful to the midwest and atleast 3 on the west coast.

I started out carving shorebirds so let's start out with the snipes.

Ruddy Turnstones:

My favorite shorebird to paint, I enjoy making the black swirl along it's wing side.



I'm happy to say the above ruddy is on Knott's Island.



Yellow Legs:


                                    A yellow legs chopped out of an old bedframe, painted in oils & given tac eyes
                              The new owner was nice enough to send me a photo of the bird in it's new home                                                                                             (below).

                                     My 1st pair of yellow legs, made of pallet wood, nail bills 2019


Working Decoys 


                                 above: one of my first ducks, made from a swing set, 
                                                  hole running through center of body. I think it's
                                           "covid duck #3" written in red paint on the underside.





Other birds (song birds, Pigeons, Crows, and ravens  ) 





