'Tis the Season for Plywood Halloween Yard Decorations

 It's that time year again, folks. 

The leaves are begining to turn warm colors and the air began to cool.

I don't know if you try to get into the spirit of things but I'm trying. A few nights back I drew up some ideas for Jack o' Lanterns with the intention of  making some Halloween decorations out of some spare plywood. As I later learned, I had more ideas than plywood... Guess I went a little crazy with my Stick-Up goose decoys last summer, they now sit in the corner collecting cobwebs waiting for a new paintjob. 

I like decorations like these. I feel like they give off vibes of Halloween past, plus you could make a one-of-a-kind what ever. If you lack the artisitc hand you could always blow up an image you find online, print it out and trace it onto the wood. 

The pumpkin's new owner seems to be happy with it. For a stake I cut a 2x4 in half and cut, nailed it to the pumkin and cut the bottom into a point. Easy project, not so easy to get into the dirt with out a rubber hammer. You could probably get away wih a garden stake or two if you could attach it to the back. 

As for the preening Stilt decoy, I split it's head half off last year when I hammered in some tacs for eyes. While waiting for the pumpkin to dry I finally got around to fixing the head and gave a repaint. I kinda like it. 

Here are another pair
