Bottle Diggin' N American Pickin'



After stumbling across an old bottle dump last week I've been returning to the site nearly every morning to see what else I could find. This morning my brother remarked to me " you know, you always pick the best days for this" as he burrowed into his thick jacket like a turtle. Being below freezing, I figured any bottle I might dig up would surely break or at very least crack on me if struck with a spade, so I opted to wonder around and pick up anything eroding out of the surfice. And today I did not have much luck in the bottle department. I found what I first thought was another old mason jar but on further thought I'm thinking it may be a pickle jar. 

 Of course silly me I forgot the thing next to my cinder block fire pit I have next to where I dig. The bottle was full of ice any way.. But being that the thing has remained unbroken for 60 some odd years( judging from all the old Amber Glass Clorox bottle from the early 1960's and broken coke bottle from the 40s.) I'm sure It'll be fine until I get back out there. And if not- hey I already have 2 milk crates full of Whiskey bottles among other small glass' I'm hoping to be medical related. One of which turned out to be an old olive oil container. 

Still cool in my book. Just the issure of getting all of the dirt out from such a small neck. may be a problem.

 I have an agreement with the owner of the land that if I see anything among the collapsing sheds and rusting piles of metal that I like I am free to take it. Being that he could really give a shit about any of it, and it's less of a mess for him to throw away when the time comes(kinda like that friend every one has who's gonna fix up that Camero collecting rust in his drive way). I was pleasantly surprised with what I found out there. Maybe the best thing so far is a baby pair of U.S. Airborne Jump Wings in a small jewlery box beneath some cheap silverware and shitty after shave.

 I have not done much research on them, besides reading the back. "1/20th silver" oh-boy-howdy! I'm rich!!!  Also in the box some eairrings, key chain and some tie clips. one seems to be Navy related with the anchor and all. Alo a few shiney cuff links. oo la la.  More odd was the discovery of stacks of short wooden paddles with numbers stencled on them. First thought was they belonged to a school team, but maybe they're DIY auction paddels? If no one wants them They'll for sure turn into some old timey floating shadow decoys. I'm thinking some Scaups and maybe a pair of merganzers. They look just like the paddles currently being sold in the Michaels wood working shelf for around $8. They seem old to me, maybe that's just the finish or what the weather di to them. No matter.. If you have any idea what these things are please let me know.

(update: according to the land owner they are from a variety store check out lane. The casheers would hold up the paddel with their register number on it giving the next in line the all clear to come down. This was supposed to be fairly recently too, which is odd. Most places with more than one casheer normally have register lights. Maybe they just wanted to be special?)

Here's what really exited me about the site. This midcentury cement lawn deer. Originally a buck, though his antlers are long lost to time. This sonovabitch was buried up to his knees and boy it was heavy. I should have taken photos of it standing because I for sure can not lift this thing alone. Long forgoteen in the under brush, this thing was wrapped from neck to tail in thorn vines. A permenant fixture for sure where ever it's final home may end up being- it will sure out last any of the 2 people reading this blog. I'm hoping to find a buyer for it though it maybe wouldve been more appealing around xmas. The deer is not in the best shape, but then again anything you leave in the same spot for 60 some odd years probably wouldnt ether. But a little something to fill in the pitting and a fresh coat of paint the buck would look great around a woodland home.

I'm sure they'll be more updates soon with the bottles. So check in every now any again, eh?
